Senin, 28 Maret 2011

voodoo magic tricks

voodoo magic tricks
There are many versions of the voodoo magic tricksWhat do you want to do here is simply to make the person that you know what they think and what he wrote. An example is the person to tell what written on the paper.
This requires the full someone and ask if they want to do a magic trick. If they are more than happy to tell them to write something in a piece of paper. After their completion and instruct them to crumple a piece of paper and put it in the ashtray.
Then this light, matches or a lighter, and when it burned completely, you have a burnt piece of paper and rub it on his shoulder. When you are finished tell the person what was written on paper.
The key to this trick work is able to look at the paper before it is completely burned.Please note that no other person, so I do not know how you did it.
A similar trick can be a volunteer to think of a number from one to one hundred and say out loud. Then view the note with the same number of written, that really made them that they can read their thoughts.
For this to work, you need to wrap a piece of tape on the thumb and a broken pencil lead, which they are placed on the thumb. Before you speak of, so do not get the number they have in mind to write on a piece of paper. If you say it, the thumb and write with a broken, and then show them.
It also "think of any card" magic trick does not. Rather than write something down, just give time a person thinking which card they want and then say. If you say it's enough to pull it out of his pocket and a surprise, because I only showed them the cards they had collected.
But how? Many people say the trick is a wild guess, but you can get him as many pick nine of diamonds, ace of spades, queen or hearts or six clubs. For this to work, you have to draw all the cards ready, and just the right something from his pocket. So make sure you know where they are so that you will find it right firs time.
Does anyone really read the mind of the individual? Of course not, but that's the beauty of magic, because they allow the illusion that you can. It will only take some time before any mention of the three magic tricks, you can do this right, so you can make everyone able to believe that they have the gift of practice.
Voodoo magic tricks are very simple, anyone can learn how to do it. If you are able, they are masters, and the next challenge to do some research on other tricks you can show your friends.

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