Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

Kids Learn Magic Basics at ‘Sleight of Hand’ Workshop

Children in the Cockeysville Public Library has learned the tricks of the magician's trade "tricks" workshop Saturday afternoon. The workshops, presented by professional magician Mike Rose, taught children between the ages of 10 to 17 Basic training, beginner magic tricks, all performed using the concepts found around the house, such as chain, ring, dice, coins and marbles can.
"The magician never tell their secrets," said Rose to the group of eight children.Wizards want to learn their secrets. "

Rose presents four different tricks, first shown before the delivery of children is required for their tricks. And although the children wanted to see where some are quite difficult, and perhaps fictional trick a girl asked excitedly: "Are you going to cut someone in half," Rose teaches sleight of hand techniques, a kind of magic when a person uses the hands to the tricks.
Often relate to the psychological tricks is a subtle trick to mislead the public. It seems that children rose, his eyes always wanted to relevant parties wanted to focus his audience, also showed the "French Drop" techniques from the early 1800's and used by magicians, if they want the audience to think they have taken an object from one hand and moves it on the other side. Stead, mage of games of skill, it seems that the object has moved his hands. In fact, the original page object is a magician who "fell" in the hand, and then hidden in a place between two fingers from the audience.
Rose said that this technique "move tool" that the famous magician. The concept of going to the facility is an integral part of the trick performance.
Chris Moon, 13, practiced the techniques of hand trick a big group. The ankle, he showed in the first group, as both sides of the six-sided dice to the number seven.Moon then showed the group number three and four on exactly opposite sides of the cube. Finally, using techniques he learned tricks Rose Moon "stuck" invisible fifth point on the die with four points, and then reversed to show the women's group, which was left with four points now includes five points. Complicated turn of the index finger and thumb to reach the desired outcome of the Moon, and the success of the trick.
(Rose insisted that every detail of every trick is not revealed.)
Rose, who studied at the University of Michigan, worked as a furniture store manager for seven months before burning for graduates consistently, Rose cut off days of his magic shows to perform in the evening. Since then practicing magician for about 20 years and is now based on the Bel Air. He learns that magic workshops in public libraries for nearly two years.

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